Friday, January 23, 2009

TGIF Blues !!

When off to a slow start its always a telling sign of whats to come. Not a good day for me. Only locking in 95 pips nett . Feels like such a wasted day so far. Consolation is its Friday and Chinese new Year is coming upon us. Rein in the jets and take it easy . Getting the sense that the market in some sell off trend may be tapering off. Not going to pre-empt it but am watching for signs of consolidation and possible retracements of the down slide. Since GBP has been the leader of the bunge jump, its in extreme levels already and may see some steadiness coming in. Again we are in extreme conditions in the marketplace -))) Now its become more like the X-games LOL . So put on the helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and dont crash and burn.

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