Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One component of the capstone in FX trading

" One common adage that is completely wrongheaded is: You can't go broke taking trading profits. That's precisely how many traders do go broke. While amateurs go broke by taking large losses, professionals go broke by taking small profits. The problem in a nutshell is that human nature does not operate to maximise gains but rather maximise the chances of gain. The desire to maximise the number of winning trades ( or minimise the number of losing trades) works against the trader. The success rate of trades is the least important statistic and may even be inversely related to performance." William Eckhardt From my own observation in reality, this quote has an important impact on me. Being fortunate to be familiar with several Trend Traders in Forex who have made their mark in this venture, the above quote is given credence. It may seem to defy or challenge common sense or logic, but then again to be a success at trading FX does the same.

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